Salary Guides
The Salary Guide program is the largest yearly integrated-campaign at Robert Half, spanning multiple printed guides, social media, video, email, and multiple web landing pages. We won the American Inhouse Design Award by Graphic Design USA for both the 2016 Salary Guide and 2017 Salary Guide campaigns. All in all, we create several hundred components for each annual campaign.
versioned for 12 countries & 8 languages yearly
Social Channels
Social media header templates for major platforms to help designers automate imagery and messaging from the campaign across all platforms. Care was taken to accommodate device and OS nuances.
Additional assets were created for each platform’s content feed:
Digital Advertising
Video Assets
The Salary Guide promo video was versioned out for multiple lines of business and were used to for annual promotions through social, email and internal email signatures, all driving traffic to dedicated landing pages.