A Customer-first approach
All functionality on the site goes through constant testing and iteration and the customer’s needs steer the conversation of what we wanted our website to do. Users were required to access dozens of different sites with unique logins and processes, which we tirelessly worked on to aggregate into a simplified and unified portal under 1 domain. Time sheets, availability, contact info, tax documents, personal preferences were all unified so customers had access to all their settings with one Robert Half login. Usability for everyone was the goal with keen attention to accessibility requirements and meeting standard AA/AAA specifications.
Logged-In User Experience (LUX)
Starting from scratch, my team had to work on how personalization impacts functionality and usability site-wide. The challenge was taking multiple backend platforms spanning several IT teams and aggregating them into a seamless and intuitive customer experience.
Accessibility & Improved Usability
Beyond new features and the bells-and-whistles the business is hungry for, my team often was the voice of the customer. Making sure the site was usable for everyone, and continuing to improve what we already had was priority with ADA compliance, improving UI patterns and styling refinements to stay current with evolving trends and requirements.
Functionality that matters
User testing, surveys and interviews dug deep into what users wanted to do on our website and what functionality was lacking from their perspective. This allowed us to create a world-class candidate browsing experience along with a streamlined job viewing and application process. Additionally, once jobs were filled and companies were working, we continued to deliver features like the Client Payment Portal that made doing business with Robert Half easier and faster.
Job Search
Job search is the bread and butter at Robert Half, and the goal was to continue to improve the online experience of finding opportunities and applying for jobs, including search functionality, job listings, resume upload and the overall application process.
Candidate Browse
Candidate Browse allowed companies to search candidates directly from an availability database. Limited by both the user data stored and not revealing too much information, we constantly refined the experience as we learned more about how companies wanted to hire using our online tools.
Client Payment Portal
Part of our digital transformation was moving as many business processes online and allowing users to control more of how and when they engage with us. This new portal allowed clients to manage their bills, pay partial invoices and select from various payment methods, all depending on their business’s needs.
Rich and engaging content
Robert Half was also a valuable source for employment-related content by providing resources for job seekers and employers to conduct interviews, negotiate salaries, benchmark various corporate/department functions and find the ideal city to find work. While usually based on a printed or digital thought-leadership pieces, these campaigns were often extended and expanded to the website, requiring my team to develop custom interactive tools that gave customers access to all of our research and use it how they desired.
Salary Centers
The page goal was to allow users to download our annual guide, but we often designed and developed infographics, salary trend maps, SEO-rich modules. Our popular salary calculator (or Salculator) allowed users to define their desired role and location which prompted current salary ranges and job openings tailored to their criteria.
Benchmarking Calculator
Finance and accounting was the focus of Robert Half when it was founded and responsible for the bulk of their business. We designed and developed a custom interactive tool to help hiring managers staff their finance function for startups and enterprises. When launched, the tool was immediately successful in reaching new audiences are responsible for generating nearly $1 million in new business.
Career City Index
Reaching job seekers is as important as companies hiring, and our research showed people don’t have enough information about where the best places to work were. Partnering with The Economist, we developed an interactive tool allowing users to rank city attributes like quality of life, career prospects, cost of living and cultural diversity to find what cities were the best fit for them. Users could compare cities, review sub categories in each focus area and search open positions in cities they felt were the right fit.