Salary Centers
This was the digital hub for accessing the Salary Guide and all associated tools & media. Using previous year’s performance metrics, we keep refining what content is useful to users, how to optimize page functionality, make the brand more present and deliver our promise to help people navigate the tricky process of negotiating salaries for finding work or hiring staff.
Less is more. Constant user interviews and performance analysis proved too much copy impacted page performance and conversion, so our recommend of more white space and less text was finally justified and adopted. SEO copy was pushed far below the fold so not to interfere with user effort.
Working closely with business owners, Digital Marketing and IT, we iterated on the embedded Salary Calculator every year to improve ease of use. Functionality had to include various lines of business as well as flexibility to support international sites and multiple languages.
Descriptive text was originally short bullet points, giving users no context what they were downloading.
Suggested adding a more descriptive copy up top to better set expectations which resulted in higher form submissions/conversion.
Added visuals with text to help better communicate the message clearly.
Added links to other specialized salary centers to reduce navigation friction.
The salary calculator was always in testing. Based of our user research we made some changes:
Reduced the number of fields needed to receive results.
Removed huge friction point; the calculator is used nearly a hundred thousand times a day.
Reduced the amount of copy retrieved to only the necessary data.
Removing 70% of the text the business wanted meant a simplified user experience.
SEO text was implemented below user content to help organic search performance.
Previous rounds where business pushed this copy up saw reduced conversion rates on page.
Recommended to have SEO content merged with readable user text; getting people to a page with SEO-stacked text was a negative user experience and was revealed in rounds of moderated user testing.
Research & testing told us our download form was not effective, so based off our testing and research we recommended to:
Reduce the number of form fields.
Increased conversions.
Allow users to download multiple guides at once.
Reduced user friction.
Adjusted form syntax to a more user-friendly tense.
Submit form changed to Download Now.
‘Client & Candidate’ internal language changed to How much I can earn or should pay radios.
Removed large blocks of infographics and charts users never clicked on and replaced with dynamic content blocks like the webinar or other campaign promos.
Creative spent less time creating assets users weren’t interested in.
One space used to surface content based on user history and intent when logged in.
Recommendation of a single CTA at the bottom of the page to bring users back to the top was accepted after multiple rounds of testing and page performance reviews showed no one clicked on the 6-8 links placed throughout the page in previous years.